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The Natasha Helfer Podcast

Mar 29, 2023

Thank you for joining us for a Symmetry Solutions panel discussion. I'm joined by Jenny Elledge and Michelle Peets as we discuss:

  • SEC and financial fines of the LDS Church - mental health implications
  • Social Safety study finds high number of Utah women feel chronically unsafe
  • New BYU President
  • Holland...

Mar 22, 2023

Do you wonder why your’e having such a hard time if you’ve left your religion? Do you think it’s silly to struggle when all you’ve experienced is a “shift of beliefs”? Turns out this isn’t so silly after all!
You may fit the criteria for a cPTSD diagnosis! I was so excited to have interviewed the...

Mar 15, 2023

I was so happy I got the chance to chat with Allan about the importance of emotional intelligence for a person's growth and development. Also within the context of relationships. We specifically focused on "men" - people who identify and/or grew up socialized with male gender roles/expectations. To register...

Mar 8, 2023

The last two times I have presented on sex therapy and faith transitions at the Mormon Mental Health Association, I have received a similar critique that goes something along the lines of: “I wish you wouldn’t swear during your presentations. It’s unprofessional.” Since, these evaluations...

Mar 1, 2023

I’m so glad I got the chance to talk to Dr. Stefani Goerlich all about kink! So many misperceptions and taboos abound around this sexual topic and anytime we can dismantle discrimination and edify education, we all get healthier.

Stefani Goerlich is an award-winning author of The Leather Couch: Clinical Practice with...